If you can just appreciate each thing, one by one, then you will have pure gratitude - Suzuki Roshi -

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Rockin' with my Daughter

My daughter gave me the privilege of going to a rock concert with her last week. She's eighteen, nineteen a week from today, I'm ... - doesn't matter how old I am does it, I'm her dad - always old to her.

We saw Collective Soul, Live and Counting Crows. I love Live - transcendent, hard rock. Almost every song ended up with Ed K wailing but it's wailing about love and wisdom and dolphins. Katie was there mostly for Counting Crows - Adam D was too dramatic at times but very into his audience, who loved he and boys.

I was just proud that my daughter didn't worry about looking uncool by hanging with her old man dad and honored that she'd rock with me.

It's always cathartic to rock!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Peace One Day

September 21 is the international day for peace: Peace One Day. Here's the story from its founder, Jeremy Gilley. Check out the banner at the top of my blog.

July 2007
Dear Friends,
I founded Peace One Day in 1999 to document my efforts to create an annual day of global ceasefire and non-violence with a fixed calendar date. In 2001, POD achieved its primary objective. United Nations General Assembly resolution (A/Res/55/282) was unanimously adopted by UN member states, formally establishing an annual day of global ceasefire and non-violence on the UN International Day of Peace, fixed in the global calendar on 21 September – Peace Day.
With the Day in place, POD’s main aim is to raise awareness of Peace Day 21 September. POD is a non-profit organisation, impartial and independent of any government, political persuasion, corporation or religious creed.
Last year on 21 September, 27.6 million people from 200 countries did something for Peace Day. I hope you’ll make your own commitment for Peace Day and log it on this website. By working together there will be Peace One Day. We look forward to hearing from you.
With thanks and best wishes
In peace
Jeremy Gilley

Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Moments of the Day

Which moments of the day do you enjoy the most as they take place? Laughing, accomplishing, talking with friends, being reminded of those now passed whom we loved dearly? These are some of mine.

Which moments of the day do you look back at with pride? Rising to the challenge, non-attachment to the rising negative emotions, realizations of wisdom? These are some of mine.

What if the two merged closer and closer together - enjoyment in the moment and relishment of the memory? Being present, without attachment, growing wise. It's easier than you think. Just merge the two. They are only different in our mind, in our emotions, not in reality.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

My Green Month

Check out my friend Chuck Ackerman's monthly blog called 'My Green Month" on Green City Blue Lake: http://www.gcbl.org/spirit/needs-and-desires/my-green-month

Chuck recently decided to take personal action to live a greener life. He's an inspiring guy. He recently convened a group of such "get greener" folks, the group is called GangGreen. Best new name since BandAid in my opinion.

Peace and joy to you.

Friday, July 20, 2007

"A Good Day" with Brother David Steindl-Rast

Guaranteed to transform your attitude and experence of today.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Remembering when ...

I remember when ...
- the cat was so small that he fit in the palm of my hand.
- we had our family reunions on Pelee Island.
- ping pong was a common family sport.
- in the summer we left the house in the morning came home for lunch, left again, came home for dinner, left again, and came home at dark.
- living life became more complicated.

I'm simplifying now.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Dog days and baseball.

I'm sitting on the back porch listening to baseball on the radio. Tigers and Indians in extra innings. This is one reason why I love the summer.

The "dog days" of summer began today by the appearance at sunrise of Sirius, the Dog Star. Enjoy.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Free Enjoyment

How do people enjoy themselves with others?

Talking about what they have in common brings a level of enjoyment. Listening to another person talk about something or someone they love in their life can bring a higher level of enjoyment.

Neither is better but we're more practiced at the first and less at the second - missing out on free enjoyment. I'm working on cashing in on this coupon.