If you can just appreciate each thing, one by one, then you will have pure gratitude - Suzuki Roshi -

Friday, December 28, 2007

Enjoying meditation

Our Southcoast zen group has been sitting every morning between the holidays again this week. One of our discussion questions is, "What has shifted in your practice this year?"

This morning I realized that one of the changes in the my practice of late is that I often enjoy meditation. For so long meditation was a serious thing, almost a burden at times. My mind would wonder and I would almost yell at myself. Or I would subtly judge myself for not keeping the breathing and simple observation of meditation constant.

This year I've learned to just let go of whatever happens during meditation; and to not judge myself or my practice. Ergo it becomes an enjoyment - often a source of joy.

This change was made possible by a series of discussions within our meditation group this year - so thank you to all the members of the Southcoast sangha.

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