If you can just appreciate each thing, one by one, then you will have pure gratitude - Suzuki Roshi -

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Riding the Bus

I rode the bus yesterday. It was a route I had not taken before. I like the selflessness that is available in riding public transport - being anonymous as one of many such others and being present to the experience. I find the "suchness" of experience that Buddhists talk about. At the same time I see the suffering of others that seems obvious: mothers yelling at children, swearing at them, belittling teenage daughters - "If you wouldn't have opened your god damned legs you wouldn't have this baby would you?"

How to be present to this suffering without judgement? As Jack from our Southcoast Zen Meditation Group says, simply being in the conscious state of awareness is the best gift to those around you who may not be in that state.

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