If you can just appreciate each thing, one by one, then you will have pure gratitude - Suzuki Roshi -

Monday, May 21, 2007

Learning in the Dirt is Cool Change

I worked on Bobbi's garden yesterday, apprenticing to my son in creating raised beds.
What a great experience to learn by doing what Peter told me to do. He imparted his new found knowledge by telling me, "Dig this deep down, turn it over this much deeper, don't bring up the clay, etc." New found because he researched it and used it for his own new "organic intensive" garden.

So I learned why this was a good way to garden: Allowing the roots of vegetables to go deeper, not having to turn the soil as deep for the next three years, and looking cool!

It was also so cool to get dirty while learning from my son. We got dirty together a lot when he was younger. Then we didn't. Then yesterday we did again. Change = cool, huh?

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