If you can just appreciate each thing, one by one, then you will have pure gratitude - Suzuki Roshi -

Monday, June 11, 2007

Changing minds for peace at Lakewood Park

Yesterday was the second annual Change Your Mind Day sponsored by the Cleveland chapter of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship. It was a beautiful afternoon in Lakewood Park spent meditating with leaders from Insight Meditation of Cleveland, Cleveland Shambhala Meditation Group, Zen Rivers and Mountains Order, Flowing Water Sangha and others. Sensei Dean Williams from Jijuyu-ji Zen Group started the afternoon with a dharma talk on inner peace. Christine Siarka guided folks in creating a sand mandala with the theme of the day: "Creating peace and the absence of war, from heart to heart, this I can do." At the end of the day the sand was gathered and deposited into Lake Erie.

Over 70 people from far away as South Russel attended. Many were young folks - in their late teens and twenties, including some who had never meditated before. Thanks.

The site was in the midst of other picnics, parties, baseball games and bike riding. Two children ran by at one point, the younger brother asked, "What are they doing?", to which the older sister replied, "They're meditating stupid." She knew. She'll grow out of the "stupid" phase and hopefully find the meditating phase.

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