If you can just appreciate each thing, one by one, then you will have pure gratitude - Suzuki Roshi -

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Speaking Truth

Why is China going ballistic over the Dalai Lama being awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor?

The Minister for Religious Affairs (sic) (there's the first clue) says that he is a splitist and has no following. This statement came on the sidelines of the "Peoples" Congress (another clue) that is currently taking place in Beijing. He claims that the DL's statements against Tibetan independence but for significant autonomy are just a lie, a cover for independence.

Well - who do we believe? The above mentioned minister? May he be blessed with the happiness that comes with truth himself. Or the DL? A human like us but one who speaks truth more often than most of us.

Let's all of us speak truth today; to ourselves and to others. Blessings .

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