If you can just appreciate each thing, one by one, then you will have pure gratitude - Suzuki Roshi -

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Trust opened my eyes

Tonight I went to the Flowing Water Sangha for 1/2 hour evening meditation. The group meets just around the corner from my house but I've only been there for special weekend events, never during the week.

Tonight I'm a bachelor and got home from work dragging a funky mood around with me. I stopped and thought about heading over, realized that sitting would be a helpful response to my mood; and that I am committed to sitting so why wouldn't I go sit.

It was a small group. We sat for half an hour and were done. I got a hug and headed for home. Once outside I heard geese, looked up and saw a V of geese not more than 50 feet above, heading north of all directions. Beauty in flight. Beauty inside.

All was perfect when got home. Just as all was perfect when I had arrived home earlier in the evening also. Blessings do not recognize blindness. Trust opened my eyes.

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