If you can just appreciate each thing, one by one, then you will have pure gratitude - Suzuki Roshi -

Monday, November 26, 2007

Say Shhh to Should

In talking with Bobbi this long, wonderful weekend, we were both off on Friday also, she shared about totally deleting the word "should" from our vocabulary. She was reminded of this from a book on language she's reading.

When she was older and wiser, my mother used to say, "Don't Should on Yourself!" I think she got that from some mental health book or group. Funny and true.

So, this morning while driving to work Bobbi and I agreed to "Say shhh to Should." Using the word Should just automatically disempowers, makes excuses for not being in action, creates guilt, shits on yourself, etc. Try it out - delete the word from your vocabulary.

As the televangelists say, "Make the pledge now, Say Shhh to Should." See what happens. Don't let any guilt or judgement get in the way. Do it, observe what happens, do it some more. Find our true selves.

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