If you can just appreciate each thing, one by one, then you will have pure gratitude - Suzuki Roshi -

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Earth is Cold Today

How strange - to be some warm yesterday then so cold today. It is in single digits this afternoon. So hard to connect to the same earth.

I read a Wendel Berry poem again that talks of being estranged from the dance of the earth in the city. In Song (3), he writes:
"I knew that circle broken, the steps awry,
stone and iron humming in the air.

But I thought even there, among the straying
steps, of the dance that circles life around,
its shadows moving on the ground, in rhyme
of flesh with flesh, time with time, our bliss,
the earthly song that heavenly is."

How wonderfully put - that connection is always available. I brought firewood inside today and have had a fire on and off all day in the living room. Thanking the earth and nature. Amen.

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