If you can just appreciate each thing, one by one, then you will have pure gratitude - Suzuki Roshi -

Monday, April 16, 2007


My son recently described an experience of his to me, an intense meditation experience. I found myself feeling jealousy

(I was able to let it be, let it pass, and it was replaced with pride for him.)

Why do we feel jealous? Some teachers say it is because we are not fully in love with ourselves; that makes sense. It seems to me however that first we need to fully know ourselves, to know our full selves, and to know ourselves fully in each moment. Gods, that seems like it could be a lot of work. But better than the suffering that jealousy brings.

My jealousy yesterday was a doorway to knowing myself fully in that moment and a window to seeing myself more fully in this moment now.

Doorways opening inward
allow spring breezes to push open
doorways opening outward.

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