If you can just appreciate each thing, one by one, then you will have pure gratitude - Suzuki Roshi -

Thursday, May 15, 2008

A Capitol Possibility

We attended the ribbon cutting for the Capitol Theater here at W. 65 & Detroit last night. As part of the Gordon Square Arts District the Capitol will be a three-screen theater for independent, foreign and documentary films. Here on the west side! The best part? Bobbi will no longer be suffered to listen to me whine all the way over to the east side for such films.

The event yesterday was sponsored by Detroit Shoreway. They honored and thanked all those investors making the renovation and opening of the Capitol possible. But in addition to the investors there are two people in particular that we can thank: Ray Pianka and Jeff Ramsey. Without both of them, during their particular time of leadership, this possibility would not be-becoming a reality. Thanks Ray and Jeff.

I'm picturing myself in a seat at the Capitol watching a great new foreign film - and only two blocks from my home - a two-run homer.

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